We are just seedsmen and our story is seldom told. 

Anton van Doornmalen is here to tell exactly these stories. With a guitar, a melting voice and a lot of feelings. Vegetable seeds and music – these are the topics that drive Anton. The long player “Seed Songs” combines both things. Anton currently serves as chairman of the company's supervisory board. 

At the ISF Congress in Rotterdam, the “Seed Songs” are clearly in the creative center of Anton´s music. If you would like to have the CD "Seed songs", just send us an email (medien@avdmusic.com) and then transfer 15 euros to the Sibusiso account (Iban: NL73 RABO0385812167) Afterwards we will send the CD to your adress. 

Upcoming concerts this year

A special year is just around the corner for Anton. Two concerts in Germany have already been confirmed. On Friday, April 19, Anton will perform in the Kuniberthalle in Werl-Büderich (Kreis Soest). Admission is at 7 pm, the concert starts half an hour later. 

Like a rollercoaster-ride

Dany Vera is a very popular singer-songwriter, and not just in the Netherlands.

His hit "Rollercoaster" is also playing up and down on German radio stations. Anton´s German song "Dort, wo du bist" is based on this song.

Anton van Doornmalen actually composed it for a golden wedding that had to be canceled due to the pandemic. The song is aimed at all people with long-term relationships. And as we all know, things go up and down - like on a rollercoaster.

Rediscovering older songs

Anton wrote the song "See the Whole World Different" over 15 years ago. The song fits perfectly with his new overall theme: Journey.

"Now is the time to see the world differently," the singer said during the second digital concert in December. The song reads, "What you see is hostility, no humanity." If you want to change the world, you have to act, is the credo.